Guest post by Mystie Winckler of Simply Convivial Whether your calendar and to do lists are kept on paper or digitally, the trick is to actually use them, to actually look at them. Digital planning systems present a unique challenge because of the possibility of distraction. We might grab our phone from our pocket to check our to-do list but end up browsing Facebook instead. Although calendars and lists kept online and in apps are easier to organize, keep clean, and have always on hand, ... read more
How We Use Kindle Fires in Our Home School, Part Two: Audio Books and Music
Update (10/29/2020) Audible books are now available through the children's profiles on the Fires, so the Audible hacks in this post are no longer necessary. You can now very simply add books from your Audible library to your children's profiles through the settings in the parental controls. I love that this allows ONLY the audiobooks I select and does not give access to any other part of Audible. This is still the most child safe and friendly way I have found to utilize Audible. I believe the ... read more
The Old Paths: Seek, Walk, Rest
In this crazy world we can lose our way. Under the influences of the culture surrounding us we can become like the proverbial frog in the pot of boiling water; so unaware of what is actually happening that we don't even comprehend the danger of our situation. Truth is being attacked at an increasing rate and it is crucial that we know what is True and what is counterfeit; where we are headed and why we are going there. To accomplish this, we must become diligent students of God and His Word. ... read more
How We Use Kindle Fire Tablets in Our Home School (for All 8 of Our Children).
This post contains affiliate links. Welcome to the first post in what will be on ongoing series on Digital Home Management. As a busy homeschooling mother of a large family I am continually looking for ways to streamline our days and for tools to help in that endeavor. I'm also a technology lover and so I am always especially delighted when I can find a digital solution to a need. I am planning to to share with you many of my favorite digital resources; including devices, apps, tips, hacks, ... read more
Deuteronomy 6, Scholé, and Homeschooling Through Affliction
When my older children were still toddlers I discovered the Charlotte Mason homeschooling method. I was delighted. I was homeschooled myself and was looking forward to the day when my babies would be old enough for school. I had been praying for guidance in how I should teach them and I was thrilled with how God had answered. (I still am.) Being a researcher, I spent many happy hours devouring articles, books and blogs on Charlotte Mason education. I loved how these practical, gentle - ... read more
When Thou Liest Down…
And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Deuteronomy 6:6,7 These beautiful words are a powerful command to Christian parents. Often used–and rightly so–as an ... read more