As wives, mothers and keepers at home much is required of us. Our days are filled with many tasks that can often seem mundane and of little
worth – and a society saturated with feminist thinking heartily concurs.
We must set our minds on Truth; that the Biblical role of homemaker is a position of power and influence like none other. That we have an incredible and irreplaceable work to do, one that serves and glorifies Almighty God. If we can really grasp hold of this then everything changes. When done for the Lord the commonplace becomes noble, the prosaic becomes beautiful and the seemingly unimportant becomes highly valuable.
I started Noble Womanhood in 2006 as a way to remind Christian women (including myself) of what is so easily forgotten: how valuable our role and work as wives and mothers really is.
The original format was a website (rather than a blog) with links to articles from external sites. It’s pretty outdated now, but I’ve kept the archives and there is still lots of good reading there:
I still definitely plan to keep writing on this topic (one of my favorites), but posts will be integrated here now as part of Old Paths.
You can also find a ton of encouragement along these lines in my book Queen of the Home. It was originally published in hardcover – and we hope to make it available again in print – but in the meantime you can read the revised and updated new edition in Kindle format here. You can also buy used copies of the original print edition here .
You can read a snippet here and can also get a free downloadable sample that includes the foreword, introduction and first chapter when you join my mailing list:
Articles on the honor, power and nobility of Biblical womanhood:
What Does Virtuous Really Mean? (Excerpt from “Queen of the Home”)
What You Need to Know About the “Virtuous” Woman by Kelly Crawford
The Kingdom Choice of Raising Children by Kelly Crawford
Warrior Mothers…Guarding Home by Kelly Crawford
Warrior Mama by Julie Neils
The Royalty of God by Jess Connell
Godly Legacy of Countess Juliana van Stolberg